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Tag: Divorce

Appellate Mediations – Part 2

Appellate Mediations - Part 2 By Gary Shaffer{3:30 minutes to read}

In my last blogI discussed why mediating a case on appeal often makes sense, even to the party that has won Round 1. This time I want to focus on the potential risks and benefits that winners and losers face in the appeal process and how that affects their willingness to mediate.


If you lose on appeal, you really lose, and perhaps with greater consequences.  No one wants to lose at the trial court level, but having an appellate court give it a stamp of approval can be even worse. The loser may then be living with the consequences for years to come. However, mediating the case before there is a decision on the appeal, can result in reducing damages for a defendant, obtaining some damages for a plaintiff, or designing a resolution where the outcome is more secure, slightly less onerous, and works in the long run.

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Mediate an Appeal? Wait, Didn't Someone Already Win?

Mediate an Appeal Wait, Didn't Someone Already Win By Gary Shaffer{3:12 minutes to read} One might think that mediating cases on appeal would be a losing proposition. After all, someone has already won. What’s the motivation for the winner to mediate? Oftentimes, plenty.

Cases on appeal arise in many different contexts: after a full trial, after a successful summary judgment motion or motion to dismiss, even, occasionally, on a discovery matter. The winning party typically has the upper hand. But this is usually only one aspect of the mediation. It turns out that parties who have won the first round are often still interested in resolving a matter, and mediation may be the easiest and most efficient way to do it.

Appeals, like many other aspects of our legal system, can be costly and time consuming. And the outcome isn’t guaranteed. Lower courts get reversed or judgments are modified. This can mean even more litigation. Both the winning and losing parties need to consider these factors. Even on appeal, parties often want to wrap things up, and mediating at this stage can provide an unusual opportunity to do that. The legal issues may be clearly framed, the litigants know their case very well, and the facts will often have been developed through discovery, motion submissions, or a trial.

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Caucus Part 2

Caucus Part 2 By Gary Shaffer{4:06 minutes to read} My last blog addressed caucusing basics. I thought it might be interesting to expand the topic a bit to include some variations. As I previously wrote, non-divorce mediations are largely conducted through caucusing, with the mediator speaking to each side separately for much of the mediation. Divorce mediations typically are not conducted in this manner. But these are generalities; there is no one-size-fits-all.

  1. Counsel-to-Counsel Caucus (aka Get Those Clients Outta Here!)

Sometimes it can be useful to send the attorneys on a walk without the intrusion of the mediator or the parties. Counsel may have a prior relationship that enables them to talk outside the hearing of their clients, in a way that permits cutting through some of the formalities or concerns they would have if clients were present. I have successfully used this approach even when the lawyers did not previously know each other but developed a rapport during the course of the mediation. 

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Mediation Timing Part 2 – Commercial, Corporate, Employment

Mediation Timing Part 2 - Commercial, Corporate, Employment By Gary Shaffer{4:00 minutes to read} In my last blog about timing and mediation, I suggested that in divorce matters, there is a sweet spot of around 90-100 minutes for any single session. You can read that blog here: Part 1. This framework is largely irrelevant to other types of cases, such as:

  • Commercial;
  • Corporate;
  • Employment;
  • Personal injury.

In non-divorce matters, the parties and especially the attorneys expect to spend a significant amount of time during any one mediation session. There is more shuttle diplomacy, especially early on.

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Mediation Timing Part 1 – Divorce Mediation

Mediation Timing Part 1 - Divorce Mediation By Gary Shaffer{3:30 minutes to read} What’s the right amount of time for a mediation? As Goldilocks might put it:

  • What’s too much
  • What’s too little
  • What’s just right?

As in many such matters, it depends. Some parties fade quickly, others are happy to go on for hours and hours, days and days. What works differs from case to case. 

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Is Divorce Mediation Always Successful?

Gary Shaffer,, discusses divorce mediation.

It is fairly well accepted that divorce mediation is a far better way to handle the details of unwinding a marriage than litigation.  If there are any assets and any kids, the parties typically know the details of both, and with proper guidance are capable of figuring out how best to proceed so that the kids and assets are dealt with fairly and everyone can move on to leading happy and productive lives.

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Patience – Is it a Virtue? Part 2 – Commercial Mediation

Gary Shaffer,, discusses commercial mediation.Our last blog addressed the importance of using patience during a divorce mediation. Divorce mediations necessarily take place over time since the parties need to come to terms with the emotional aspects of their decision making. Couples are most often (though not always) together in the same room, since a critical goal of divorce mediation, especially when there are children, can be enabling the parties to communicate after the divorce is over. 

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Patience – Is it a Virtue? Part 1 – Divorce/Family

Gary Shaffer,, discusses the value of patience in a couple going through divorce.Many factors affect whether a divorce mediation is successful.  One factor can be how the mediator and the couple are able to use patience as a tool.

It is often unrealistic to expect patience from the couple.  They may walk into the room angry, depressed, afraid, wanting to “get this thing over with,” or even seeking reconciliation.  Or one side does.  At a minimum, the parties have been unable to resolve whatever conflict caused the need for mediation in the first place.  They have already spent time and money, much emotional energy, and experienced no shortage of aggravation. 

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About Us

An honors graduate of Harvard University and the Cardozo Law School of Yeshiva University, where he also served on the Law Review, Gary brings more than 30 years of litigation and negotiation experience to his practice as a mediator. He has successfully negotiated and mediated resolutions in family matters, employment cases, commercial disputes, personal injury cases, and major civil rights matters.

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